Orange food will help longevity

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Want to live longer, eat more orange and dark green food bar.

According to The New York Times recently reported a CDC researcher 14 years of follow-up survey found that blood levels of α-carotene, the higher the person has a longer life.

The study leader Dr. Li Chaoyang introduction, the blood level of α-carotene, may cause cardiovascular disease, cancer and other diseases causing the highest mortality rate of 39% lower.

Which assortment of vegetables and fruits, which contain α-carotene ? College of China Agricultural University, Associate Professor, Department of Nutrition and Food Safety FAN Zhi Tips us, orange and dark green vegetables and fruits contain α-carotene. Among them, the orange foods such as carrots, pumpkins, oranges, citrus, α-carotene content higher; dark green vegetables second. In the other colors of food, Almost no α-carotene. 

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