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Little knowledge about shrimp: Shrimp flat on both sides of the body length, females about 18 to 24 cm, males are slightly shorter. The body is transparent, the female brown-blue, the male slightly yellow; all be a crustacean. Carapace relatively hard...

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Cute squid

Cute squid

Squid are mollusks, squid is a kind of cone-shaped body, body color pale, with light brown spots, large head, in front of a touch less than 10 students, at the end of the triangular fin meat, often in groups of about cruising in the deep 20 meters of...

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A brief description of the polar bear

A brief description of the polar bear

The Polar Bear The polar bear or the sea/ice bear are the world's largest land predators. They can be found in the Artic, the U.S. (Alaska), Canada, Russia, Denmark (Greenland), and Norway. Each of these countries either banned hunting or established...

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About Sharks

About Sharks

Sharks, considered by some the most ferocious of marine animals. Whale shark with small marine life for food, and baleen whales almost. As the food has a certain similarity, the long period of evolution, they look very similar to the point, and baleen...

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The Legend of sharks

Talked about why the sharks do not swim bladder, which is related to a legend: in a long time ago, God created the fish, the shark is just a small fish. One day, suddenly thought of God, the contribution of the fish, just as a reward for all the fish...

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Squid Tips

Squid Tips

In marine organisms, the fastest swimming squid, which the reason swim very fast, because by the fins of fish swimming in general different, it is by belly on the water funnel tube rapid reaction force forward, and its ability to spray the same as the...

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Sea turtle

Sea turtle

Turtles have existed 100 million years of prehistoric reptiles. Scaly turtle shell quality, although you can stay under water a few hours, but still floating on the surface to regulate body temperature and breathing. . The largest is the Leatherback turtle;...

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Green turtle

Green turtle

Turtles have existed 100 million years of prehistoric reptiles. Scaly turtle shell quality, although you can stay under water a few hours, but still floating on the surface to regulate body temperature and breathing. The largest is the Leatherback turtle;...

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marine microorganism

marine microorganism

Marine bacteria are widely distributed and number, in the marine ecosystem plays a special role. The distribution of bacteria in marine law is: the larger the density of bacteria offshore ocean area larger density within the inner bay and estuary, especially...

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